Park51 “Ground Zero Mosque” - In Context
Written By Taj Ashaheed Much of what characterizes the issue of the “Park51” community center or the commonly referred "Ground Zero Mosque" is misunderstood or unexamined context. From the start of the controversy, it was clear as the community center was generalized in the media as a mosque and touted as being built at Ground Zero (as opposed to its actual location) that opponents of the center and the media itself were complicit in crafting a position that was both narrow in mind and critical thought. Indeed the current controversy of Park51 is an excellent study of where we as a national community can find some true insight and even understanding if looked at it from a wider scope. Opponents of the community center rally around the presumption that Park51 and its attached mosque is an affront to the victims of September 11th; however, this generalization is troublesome as it ignores the fact that among the families of the victims are those who are Muslim. Indeed, it i...