DNC - Monday

Like many Denverites, I couldn't wait for the DNC to start and Monday was the day. Actually, Sunday really was the launch. I attended the first DNC Interfaith gathering and was pretty impressed. It was great to see Imam Ali (Northeast Denver Islamic Center) participating and we planned on using the aftermath as a meeting for the next day's planning for the American Muslim Democratic Caucus event.

Monday came, and the first order of business was attending the Colorado Democratic Party's opening breakfast. I have worked with the local party for about a year now and they asked me to recommend a Muslim to give the opening invocation - I asked Imam Ali. So, he and I met downtown at 7:30 to attend at the Grand Hyatt.

Food was okay, standard fare, and there was the buzz of opening day in the air. The governor and a few CO congress-folk stopped by, as well as the embattled ex-governor of Alabama.

As I was leaving Party President Pat Waak asked me about Thursday's Obama speech - told her that I didn't have a pass. Quick as a jiffy, she got me one. Man, talk about the importance of connections!

After making another stop at Rabbi Michael Lerner's event we got to the Downtown Sheraton for the AMDC start. All my volunteers showed up - I was late due to getting the flags from Khalid at Flag World. Sis Minda's daughter absolutely killed it with the natl. anthem after a presentation from the local Muslim Boy/Cub Scout troup.

Got to meet Congressmen Ellison and Carson (my heroes!), as well Gov. Duval (Obama's homie).

The event went very well, here's hoping for a viable and growing organization...


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