Melo and Cereal

By now, everyone has heard the story regarding Carmelo Anthony and his on-court (and after-court) NBA beef with Kevin Garnet and in the context of my own experience, I've been moved to jot on it.

In the Arab/Islamic culture there is a concept called "ghairah" that, among other meanings, translates to "dignity" or "righteous jealousy" - this masculine idea is attached generally to one's spouse(s).  Hence, a part of manhood is then defined via the facets of wives.  Not wholly an Arabic idea, this concept is seen in the Hebrew commandment prohibiting the coveting of another's wife.

KG referring to Melo's wife Lala as tasting like Honey Nut Cheerios is pretty much agreed upon as a real class-less and disrespectful jab. Not less than saying something about someone's mama - while they are actually present.

There are things you don't do unless you want someone to fight you - what KG said was one of those things. I did find it a bit interesting that KG didn't seem to want to fight - so his comment also came off as cowardly.

Now, this is my blog and by now, it should look like it centers around me, so in keeping with this theme, this story relates.  Especially after it becomes public new in light of this incident that Melo and Lala are separated.  I really feel for Melo...I know the hardship of separation - harder on me because I don't want to be. Even harder because I have to witness my own wife cavorting with someone else. Hell, we aren't even divorced and she declares we are to god and country.

I can only imagine how KG's comment stung Melo - no wonder he went after him in the locker room and the team bus. I look at my own turmoil and it stings like a physical pain.

In Islam, there is a clear line that people are not permitted: someone else's marriage. No woman or man has license to overstep into a marriage, making disparaging comments, much less maraud it and run off with one of the participants in a wanton and reckless dalliance. At least not expecting, in the least, divine ire, and at best, sought-after retribution by the offending party.

Sounds like pie-in-the-sky stuff - reality is often darker, more shadowy - and sadly more accepted. But things happen in our lives that underscore some basic, common sense, just-plain-courtesy...

I wish Melo and Lala the best in terms of reconcilation - I hope they get their shit together and I wish he could have and may actually in the future, smacked the hell out of KG


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