My Time

The Chinese say, “May you live in interesting times.” My life right now is an intense struggle of faith and revenance.

I've been “here” before. At 19, I was a full -fledged hoodlum and on my way to prison, toting a 16 year sentence for robbery and a high speed police chase. At 26, I was free on parole. I'd converted to Islam, had a wife, a baby, and a house full. My new faith gave me a new direction and improbable and amazing opportunities. I became a market research manager, specializing in political polling, a community activist, and a Muslim advocate and speaker. I also became a writer and editorialist, a Jujitsu and MMA fighter, and even a bouncer. My life was indeed interesting, to say the least.

However, in 2013, my life spiraled; I went back to prison, falsely accused and inexplicably convicted for domestic violence, involving my common law wife who, while being a most intense love of my life, was a pathological liar. A narcissist and a thief.  And, (later I found), someone who preyed upon and got pregnant by a student she taught in high school. The sad truth of the matter is, my wife and I fundamentally had a relationship where we sadly abused each other. The difference between us is that I ended up going to prison for her abuse and she's gained fame and sympathy from mine.

Fresh on one of the most asinine parole programs in the country, I am now embarking on a new journey – this time with a particular fire in my belly.  As I struggle forward, I will not slink stoop shouldered into a desolate future that awaits most ex-felons. I will not go quietly into that good night. I have a record to set straight (my case is fresh into appeals), retribution and requital to pursue, and a faith to perfect.

Most of all, I have a story to tell – and tell it, I shall – one of life, faith, love, and pain. I hope it's something of worth to anyone who hears it, and ultimately something God is pleased with by the time I get to the final, interesting chapter.


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