BrotherTaj's Ten Things: To Deprogram an Alt-Right Racist Cornball

Racism is an exercise of xenophobia and low self-esteem - negative core values that people reflexively cover up with Confederate flags and misplaced adulation of President Trump/hate for Obama/probable cause traffic stops.

What follows is a list of activities that any Alt-Right Racist Cornball can engage in that will rid them of their discriminating schizophrenic prejudices and fears and have them trading in their robes and tiki torches for basic humanity.

A game of Spades. Take them to your or your cousin's backyard. With house speakers on the porch. They will appreciate the understated cerebral approach to strategy (and cheating) and be so caught up in the revelry of the official card game of the hood, that they will wonder what they've been missing. Teach them to slap the trump on the table and watch them jump with glee.

A game of dominoes.  A week after Spades, have them sit down for some "bones". They have to be ivory or imitation ivory - and with a sturdy table. Guide them slowly on how to slap the domino - at the appropriate time, like going out with domino, or scoring 35, etc...

Eat some greens and neck bones. The savory taste of collard or mustard greens with a good turkey neck bone (I'm Muslim) will make any racist cornball rethink his/her life, especially in the context of their bland, tofu-and-mayo-laden diet. Use caution - their whole digestive system will overload if you don't advise slow, savory chewing.

Do a line-dance, especially the Wobble. Now, this is tricky - racist cornballs have very little rhythm, other than from goose-stepping. The idea here is to loosen up the back, which for racist cornballs, is always tight and stiff. It's this lack of movement and rhythm that makes White people in general unsure and self-conscious. Opening up their mind to the possibilities of movement is a paradigm shift, for sure...

Drink Koolaid. Not the euphamism - per se. I mean, here, Black Koolaid. Preferably Grape (also referred to simply as "Purple". With more than the half-cup of sugar per gallon of water that is recommended per instruction. This can be done as a separate exercise, but added to a game of Spades it creates a double-whammy.

Watch Cooley High:  There are many movies that a racist cornball could watch, but this 1975 film is a pinnacle portrayal of Black urban life and a slice of culture that cannot but be appreciated by anyone who watches it.

Eat a home-cooked meal made by somebody's Mama. There is not a lot that needs to be said about this because Black folk know all about it. Quite simply, it will change your life if you are White - racist or not.

Walk through the projects. Nothing complicated or philosophical here. This must, of course, be done with an escort - but at the end, for any racist cornball, that they survived a tour of the Southside, the Pink Houses, or the Eastside of Newark, will give them the courage to let go of their nigger-hate.

Lunch with Chuck D, Killer Mike, and Lupe Fiasco. Okay - probably not going to happen - so instead, I suggest listening to Listened To Ill. As each track blares through the cranium a commentary about how hip-hop was incubated in punk-rock clubs - how White and Black artistic collaboration (for example, see rocker Deb Harry's name-check of Fab-5 Freddie and Grandmaster Flash in 1981's "Rapture")

Have sex with a Black person. Two words for any racist inclinations after your body and mind are in ecstatic shambles: Game. Over.  (note: Cosby, Usher, Omarosa, and R Kelly are plague-like exclusions)


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