When Your Cape Is Frayed: Bro Taj vs Theo Wilson

Back on September 10th, I posted an admittedly provocative picture on my Twitter, of me cutting a gag off of my mouth - one that had "Dom" written on it - with the caption "#48Days". To most, it was an obvious reference to my then-countdown to the day that I would be off of parole and able to talk freely about my ordeal with my ex-wife, Dominique.

But to my man, Theo Wilson, it was an opportunity to cape for Dominique and attempt to call me out on Facebook and both get back in her good graces and look like Black-Women's-Best-Friend. All the while, he claimed to be "brotherly" to me. He must've meant "brotherly" in the sense that Cain was "brotherly" to Abel.

Some background:

In August, the Kasbah nightclub hosted its poetry night on a Thursday and a sister recited a poem about being molested and then pointed out an audience member (and fellow open mic performer) as apparently being the one her poem was about. This sent shock-waves thru the audience and Theo, the host, was so discombobulated that he was going to let the accused brother take the mic in defense of himself, before we in the audience expressed our horror and dissent.

The next day, a handful of individual sisters, who were not at the Kasbah that night, took to social media and lacerated the men who were in attendance. Dominique Christina, poet-cum-lying informant-cum-teen-rapist was one the ones who took to offering a diatribe. Again, she wasn't in attendance - but she had no problem injecting herself, referencing her own supposed victimhood (as narcissists do) and lambasting Theo and others as men who don't protect women and who do protect predators.

I wasn't having it, and quickly chimed in in defense of Theo and others in a FB convo on Theo's page.  Most of the commentators were in support of him, but then came Dom and her kids who clowned Theo as "insufficient", and so on. I ratcheted up my viewpoint, taking to task the bs the Dominique was pulling specifically.

This is where things went stupid.

Not only was Theo thrown off-kilter by what happened that Thursday night, he was completely out of sorts by Dominique's criticism and cold-shoulder - and he was desperate to make things right with her. Me? Not so much so.

There's another backdrop here. From March until this incident, Dominique and I had been secretly conversing. She had reached out to me thru a mutual acquaintance and after a bout with absolute incredulity at the audacious absurdity of her asking to talk with me - I had after all just gotten out of a short return to prison for a parole violation that Dominique insidiously orchestrated - I agreed to talk and even meet with her on a couple of occasions. What I assumed to be an improbable but perhaps amazing reconciliation of turning animosity to a detente turned out to be more psychodrama and bullshit from her, and I immediately reverted back to holding her as my evil nemesis. (More on all that in another post in the future)

So you can imagine the utter disappointment I held for Theo when he began caping her Dominique - even at one point asking me to steer clear of the Kasbah for her sake.I at first agreed - the Kasbah and the art are way bigger than me, Theo and anyone else - and the venue had been under some scrutiny since it hosted a feature poet who had a past as a convicted child molester. At the behest and invite of one the elders, I attended the next poetry feature, to Theo's chagrin, of course, which we talked about.

In response to my attendance, Dominique and a couple of her flying monkeys started making harassing phone calls to my old parole officer - she was unaware that I'd been transferred so as to create a buffer between her incessant calls and lies. My old PO, no longer assigned to me, actually called me as a courtesy to give me a heads up.

Under a directive to not speak about her directly, I posted a picture in reference to such: me cutting a gag off about Dominique with a pocket knife. It was provocative to say the least. My brother Kenneth called me and advised I delete it - I was inclined to keep it posted, even after Theo tweeted in criticism of it - although that was more him feeling a blow to his ego than anything, after all, I posted the pic after our conversation that prior Thursday.

The next day, Theo copy-and-pastes the photo to a Facebook post calling me out to "talk about this":

Perhaps Theo just finished reading Obama's book because it took some audacious balls to tag me in a post and then make demands that I respond to him. I thought maybe someone slipped him some meth - but then I quickly realized it was all a demonstration for 2 things: popularity and Dominique. See, Theo had been riding a wave as of late, having done a TED Talk that led to a bit of national exposure on the news circuit, and with the local backdrop of activism with regards abuse of women Theo thought it a natural idea to portray himself the Ladies Champion of Facebook. It worked somewhat, given the lauding comments his post garnered. And what better way to demonstrate to Dominique, someone he admires (desires?) and who was not so happy with him that he is worthy of her presence.

Not all the posts were claps on the back, though:

At this point, I felt utter pity for Theo. For may people, Dom is top of the food chain - beautiful, talented, and smart. Most of us grunts tie our self esteem to how the "beautiful peeople" view us. We don't seem to accept ourselves unless those we think better than us accept us - and when they reject us, we do things like Theo did to recover face.

I replied. Not because Theo demanded it, but because general principle did. But I made sure to inform him and his cheerleaders (none of whom actually know me and in turn none of whom I felt even slightly motivated to address directly) that I saw how transparent his post was - it was marketing for his brand and a "please take me back" plea to Dom.

The saddest thing about this is Theo and quite a few people like him (although the number is actually dwindling) have to support Dominique despite the fact of mounting evidence and people who attest to Dominique being a serial liar, a thief, and worse. Doing so make them look not only stupid, but stubbornly so. It is a proper analogy that Theo and others are akin to R Kelly supporters, or the White women who voted for Roy Moore, despite him being a clear racist, misogynist, and pedophile. And, you have to wonder what kind of psychological struggles they are going through that preclude them from not becoming lackeys.

Back to the post:

God give me a hi-five just a week later when I got an anonymous link sent to me - of a 9News expose that revealed Dominique had basically forged a quick-claim deal to steal a house. AND, had a past of impersonation and theft, including actual felony convictions.

Quite the ironic bit of news, quite the dish of crow, which I happily commented on as the last post of Theo's thread.

I of course shared the news with him directly, to which he replied "I'm speechless...I got nothing".

But of course.

And, I knew Theo had 2 choices to make: accept the truth of Dom's criminality, past and present, or see an opportunity to play the unwavering supporter and get back in good graces.

He clearly chose the latter. When the story came out, Dom hit upon the idea that the perfect distraction would be to send my picture to my parole office, the Aurora Police, and the 9News reporter who exposed her. That way, Dom could play martyr instead of being seen as a perpetrator. And guess who it was that sent my pic out?

All of this came to naught, however. One reason, which I am revealing for the first time is that I had foreknowledge of the police investigation against Dominique - ironically, though not improbably, I had law enforcement on my side. Dominique and her monkeys had told clear lies and had become such an annoyance that they moved into my corner in support. One example: when ,my PO received the gag pic, he called me in for a meeting on Sept 25th and formally gave me an edict to actually cease ALL use of the internet except for email for work purposes until I was officially off parole on Oct 29th. Then we had an off-line conversation ("we"= me, my PO, several other POs and an Aurora PD investigator) and it was clear the edict was just ink on paper - actually, it wasn't even put on paper... We talked about the pending case against Dom, and ended with an in-depth discussion on the UFC and we even watched a couple of my fight videos.  A perusal of my social media sights from September to October clearly shows not cessation of activity - proof that as long as I didn't flaunt my freedom, I was online with impunity.

So, the moral of this tale?

First, I don't carry any beef for Theo. I have watched him grow over the years and while my view of him has notes of sympathy and head-shaking, as one Black man to another, I am hopeful for Little Bro's future and proud of the things he has accomplished. Just earlier tonight, as of this writing, we were both at a venue where we were invited speakers - and I imagine that while I walk in slightly different circles than him, our activism in the city and among Black folk will have us cross paths, though I daresay the discomfort will be on his part  - I, for one, am too grown to walk on eggshells around anyone.

That being said, it's not a good idea for anyone to assume to come for me, anywhere. Dom pulled off a semi-successful attempt at being a sambo that saw me end up in prison, but even her efforts are ultimately failing to her great discomfort. I told Theo in time I would give an ample reply to his post - on my own terms and my own time.

So...here it is. The only threat here is what I have been doing: talking.

I will not be silenced. And Dom is going crazy - calling my family and friends, even having Theo calling local Imams, thinking stupidly that I can be called off by any living being on this planet.

I can't.

I. Will. Not. Be. Silenced.

To see the original post and its comments, click here:

                  Theo Caking


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