
In the pit of my belly, John Wick's dog just got killed - but presently, the dominate feeling up in my heart is freedom - and gratitude.

There is an ayat of Quran that quotes Zakariya praying, stating to God that "I have never been unsuccessful in my prayer to You" - It is a verse that rings throughout my mind in context to my ordeal. I have questioned a lot during the last 10 months but my faith in Him seeing my thru did not waver. I am first grateful to Him, good times and bad.

I am grateful for the insanely firm and deep support of the #FreeTaj network.

#FreeTaj packed my crib up and stored it. They handled my money (I stacked my ass off in 2017) and I didn't even miss a credit card payment. They babysat Lucinda (my truck). They visited me and made sure I didn't starve on jail slop. They called my lawyer and the DA - gave evidence and depositions and lined up around the block volunteering to testify. They wrote me from every edge of the country and from other nations. They also helped me stay grinding on my hustle - from my cell I started an offshoot business department of Square1 Strategies that I will be super-launching pretty quickly.

Several folk ran my social media sites (we'll keep on the down-low how at times I was posting myself) making sure my voice stayed active. I have to brag and laugh about this one because the Harpy was beside herself seeing my blog still active - she tried to but never figured out exactly who was running my social media in my absence - Dummy even thought it was my (other, sane) ex-wife and sicced her woman-beating dude on her - but I will holler at Jibby for that myself...

I am grateful for the flying monkeys and haters who roasted me as a woman-abuser and what-not. Having your rep smeared with lies and by people who don't even know you is surely disturbing but it is also a test to the ego - and that is one thing even I can humbly admit I deserve from time to time. That crow they're eating now is probably pretty chewy...

I am grateful for a particular crew of inmates who kept me laughing my ass off or shaking my head, but never was there a dull moment. And I am thankful I could talk one out of hiring a gang hit on his cheating girlfriend he caught a case for hate-texting after she cheated on him right before their wedding...Whew!

I am grateful for the judge who months ago surmised in an out-loud musing that I was deluded in my mind and re-stalking my girlfriend with unwanted advances and then who just apologized to me after he found out she was my wife, who actually stalked me and lied threw her teeth, wasting 10 months of everybody's life.

I am grateful that the DA, after trying to bury me with additional unwarranted charges because I wouldn't take a plea deal or wave my rights to hearings, and who withheld evidence of Dominique's crime sprees, had the wisdom and humility to realize she was duped like so many others, and who contritely motioned to drop my case.

I am grateful for my public defender, Jake Taufer, who acted like a paid lawyer and worked his ass off, filing an amazing civil rights motion on my behalf (ie, my social media postings are protected by the First Amendment). It took the DA almost 2 months to research and reply to it. And that was just for starters - he drafted several motions that we also didn't have to use that would have blown the trial out of the water on Day One.

I am grateful, lastly -and strangely- for Dominique as well. Without Medusa, there are no Perseus heroics. Her lies and malice served to inspire me to stand up and speak out. I refused to blink or bend when it was convenient and I overcame not only her lies, but a dysfunctional justice system that is actually a thinly disguised disposal program for Black and Brown People. (Karma is a bitch, too)

As for me, my journey is just beginning.

And I have already hit the ground running. I got a job (of course), connects to make, a network to created. I have a brand to cultivate, as well as a company(s) to grow and manage.

And I have a message and a story to tell.

And, oh, how I am going to tell it... (my radio show is coming back, I got a podcast in the works, and I'm writing a couple books)

Oh, and there's this poem...called "Red Letter"...("red" as in "read" or "red-like-a-period", etc)

#staytuned #ridewithme #endmassincarceration #MarriedToMalicePodcast #theuppergroundrailroad #the5thHijra #BlackDad


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