Run The Fade - Initiatve 2019

This year, inshaAllah (God willing) I am going to launch an anti-violence initiative based on the jailhouse culture of settling beefs by entering an empty cell and engaging in fisticuff negotiations - as opposed to resorting to using homemade weapons, etc.
I'm old school in the belief that in the event that people feel they have to resort to physical confrontation to settle a conflict, that a line be drawn at the use of guns.
In my personal opinion, most of today's wannabe thugs are emotional weenies who are too quick to pull a trigger, further compounding their immature state of mind with life-shattering violence and death. (I blame this on skinny jeans). In jail, the idea alone of walking into a small space one-on-one was enough to make a lot of dudes think twice to avoid behaviors that lead to the thunderdome, and for those who had to get down, they got to walk away, with only a bruised ego if they lost, less thinner skin, and often more respect for the person they just got done fighting.
Of course, there are no guns in jail, and there are too many on the streets oh, so I think it's imperative to promote ideas making gun violence a taboo, especially among the youth. We certainly do the most in promoting the usage of guns, especially in popular culture, like movies and music - not to mention the grossly prolific amount of guns and ammo that flood our neighborhoods.
Be on the lookout for Run The Fade, where we promote participation in combat sports over street violence.


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