The Black History of Islam: Part1

Islam (and by extension, Arabia) has always been connected to (and saved by) Black people and Africa.
First, notice on the map that the most populated regions of (western) Arabia are bordered by Africa.
Among the first/original tribes of people called "Arabs", the majority of these tribes originated in the southern region, especially Yemen. The Qahtanite tribe, whose progenitor is held to have originated the Arabic language, after whom it is named, has a grandson that all Yemenite tribes trace their lineage thru.Muhammad also traces is lineage thru the Qahtanites.
Yemen has always been connected to African peoples - dark ones from Ethiopia. For centuries, Yemen was run by the Abyssinian/Aksum (Axum) empire, (think, modern day Ethiopia and Somalia - as well as Sudan, since Aksum conquered the Kush empire). For centuries not only were Yemenis a mix of cultures but an ethnic mix of Semitic and African peoples.
It was these dark tribes that migrated northward as far as Yathrib/Medina. In Madinah itself, the 2 tribes that settled there among the Jewish tribes that predated them, were the Aws and the Khazraj tribes, who are a subset of the Qahtanites. They left Yemen after the great dam in Yemen collapsed, causing a major flood disaster in the 1st Century CE. It is these tribes that called on Muhammad 600 years later to move there, taking the city as a new home and springboard for Islamic community life.
It is also little wonder that Muhammad would earlier think of Aksum/Ethiopia as a safe haven, sending the very first community of Muslims there to escape persecution in Mecca before he himself fled the city...


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