A Covid Spring: court update

Had an interesting talk with the DAs office re: The Harpy's case. One thing that has happened because of covid19 is the courts are straight jacked. In Colorado, the supreme court rulings have scaled back how current cases will be handled. The ex was initially supposed to go to trial last week; the case was delayed to the end of this month, at which time the best case scenario for her will be to get a mistrial because jurors cannot be seated due to social distancing.
Looks like once again, ol' girl will get away with being a predator. At least in part... Ironically, sis Shamma, whose house she stole, filed and won the lawsuit that not only got her house back but she also won a $120k judgement against the Harpy which has resulted in a lien against the house she owns (which is next door). Talk about karma... 🏠💰
In an attempt to gain sympathy and avoid charges, the Harpy basically framed me using evidence doctored so horribly, it eventually embarrassed the police/DAs office bad enough to make them drop the case outright (although it took 10 months), with the judge issuing me an apology from the bench.
So, while I abhor our system, I'm definitely interested in seeing her go thru it. In her hubris (or lack of money) she is representing herself and certainly has "a fool for a client" - without covid, she'd be convicted by now and on her way to prison. She would probably have ended up being a client, since I now work inside the gates now 😲😁

That's not my revenge, tho. Mine is this lawsuit, that my lawyer has already drafted. Unfortunately, because she's 150k in debt, I can't pay my man on contingency, so I gotta file myself. I have been deliberate about saving one dollar at a time for the filing fee - and that stack is done. And even tho I will have to wait in line (cuz I'm absolutely going to win this 'suit) I'm looking forward to going from her victim to her creditor.
The Harpy has been her own sort of epidemic, preying on the Black and creative community across the country. She's smart, beautiful, and talented, with supporters who have equal levels of loyalty and stupidity. (I did too). But she's also a scumbag who will steal everything from the innocence of a teenager to her own mother's bank account to the crib next door.
Perhaps, like with covid, she is incurable and our naivete/stupidity (and youth) will be her constant source of food and nourishment. Or perhaps we'll build an immunity, a sense of justice and self worth and toss her (with R Kelly, Cosby, Zimmerman, etc) into the trash heap of irrelevance. Finally.


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