About man-hate... (2017)

Dear Sister Who Authors Men-Aint-Shit Posts On Facebook (And Elsewhere):

I read a couple of posts from various sisters today that blasted the brothers - and every time I read these, I feel the same way:

"You just don't get it."

First, let me clarify "read". By that, I mean read only partially. Criticizing men for being dogs and misogynists and slobbering predators, excetera, is actually getting kind of old, mundane and yawn inducing and repetitive 

And repetitive...

In addition to the asinine generalizing, some of these posts are actually directed at these "losers" and "dogs" but interestingly enough there are no epiphanies, no contrition or apologies from these "intended" audiences, which begs the question of whether these posts are really just low-grade shade being subliminally thrown at the person who hit, insulted, cussed out, raped, molested, or cheated on you... 

The majority who respond to your posts are fellow sisters in man-hate mode with pompoms... The few men who respond with their own pompoms and feigned indignity are either waiting to slide into your inbox with a sympathetic dick pic, or they simply have a Y chromosome that hasn't figured out whether it's a consonant or vowel...

In any case, I see you...and I see you stuck in the same post-slavery Sunken Place as the cornballs you want to lambast - quick to vomit bullshit about doing work and healing and overcoming patriarchy, how independent and fulfilled you are in your feminism and goddess-ness (whatever the fu*k that actually is) - all the while nursing black eyes/swollen lips from your ex and/or loneliness, spending solo nights meditating on YouTube with crystals and hibiscus tea and 24 stinky cats leaving hairs on all your sweaters, ready to bazooka your panties at the first 23 year old rapper/Walmart worker in sagging skinny jeans that gives you a compliment.

What you should really do is, first, put out that gdamn burning sage - that shit stinks to high heaven anyway - and stop stupidly assuming you can cogently critique and comment on masculinity and  manhood in a way that casts you as the Pied Piper For Dudes (you can't; your estrogen/progesterone, vagina, and mammary glands disqualify you, get over it...) 

And, go get yourself a "Rod-with-TSA" ("Rod" also being an innuendo) who can see thru your bullshit but still see and want to tongue kiss you until the only pain you can remember are the hickeys he left on your neck...

Start actually living the shit you blog, YT, and wax poetic about - before brothas- the ones who have underarm hair that has actually stopped growing - really start calling you out on your bullshit.



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