Poem: B-More (For Freddie Carlos Gray Jr) - by BrotherTaj

When you’re poor
You’re most likely born to a poor parent
That parent most likely lives in Baltimore and with addiction
So, it’s more likely you were born premature
So you’ll live in the hospital and you won’t go home

Until you weigh at least 5 pounds
And home is most likely the projects
Where the paint is peeling off the walls
When you’re poor and a baby born in Baltimore, you learn real fast
How to pick things up off the floor to put into your mouth
Like binkies, cheerios, pennies
And paint chips...

More than likely that paint peeling off your walls
Was put there a long time ago,
So it’s mostly likely leaded like old gasoline
So that by the time you’re 3, you most likely have more
Than 30 milligrams per of poison metal in your blood
And by age 6, you suffer from all the acronyms
That get you put into special Ed.

More than likely, you drop out of school
But when you’re poor and from Baltimore and a dropout
“Drug dealer” and “car thief” are the only jobs in the classified
So more than likely, you go to jail...a lot
And in there you get plenty of time to philosophize
Over just what it means to be poisoned

Then you get out and it’s back
To the streets with all its angels and demons
Until one day you actually meet one
Who on your behalf, sues the State over its paint
You win and get a check as compensation
For what you carry in your blood

Now, more than likely, you’re going to get the hell out of B-more
Maybe go to Art School
But first you gonna hit the corner store to buy you some food
When you’re poor and from Baltimore and you got poisoned blood
Those are the very reasons the cops pull you over.
This time though, you got a check in your pocket

But more than likely the police,
Don’t appreciate your newfound attitude
When you talk back, they tackle you
Into a bicycle rack, cuff you and throw you in the back
Now you’re just a can of soda pop in a paddy wagon
That’s waiting to be shaken
As they laugh and drive more fast

When you’re poor and from Baltimore
More than likely you didn’t pay attention in Science class
But now Newton and his 3 laws of motion are rattling around
Inside of your head as you bounce around inside the back of the van
And soon your spinal cord snaps, giving away
To a very heavy truth:

That when you’re poor and from Baltimore
Lead is most likely the thing that’s going to kill you.

As you’re wheeled away, your body strapped onto the gurney
Your lead check falls heavily out of your pocket
Floating away down Fulton Street
Down to where nobody can really know

Because when you’re poor and from a place like Baltimore,

Nobody Can Really Know
Is exactly where your dreams go…

did you know that lead poisoning is a leading health issue among low-income people of color living in old neighborhoods where lead based paint was used because it was cheap? This was the case throughout Baltimore - Freddy himself suffered from lead poisoning - and subsequent behavior problems. This explains his run-ins with police and their propensity to harass him (and others)...leading to his tragic demise - Taj


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