Presidential deja vu: Woodrow Wilson

**"I originally wrote this in 2004...

If you paid attention in civics class you remember that Trump is not really new and in regards to presidential elections, he has set us up for deja vu.

1912 we elected a president very similar to him. Woodrow Wilson is historically known for his support of white supremacy and for his efforts to remove many of the advances and freedoms of black people, especially in government and in the military. his post- World War bungling of bringing soldiers back home actually caused the race riots of 1919 where disgruntled and disenfranchised white former soldiers rediscovered their inherent racism and began attacking and killing black workers out of jealousy and economic desperation. His foreign policy missteps post World War 1 created the climates that allowed for the control of  international territories by allied victors such as Japan, who colonized parts of China,  Asia, and even the Middle East, which later led to Brazilian jujitsu and the UFC, as well as the introduction of suicide kamikaze tactics used by the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka, who practically invented suicide vests, as well as convincing Muslims who religiously abhor suicide that the best tactic to use to free  Palestine was to blow yourself up. (Research the first suicide bombing to occur in Palestine and you will interestingly find out that it was carried out by a Japanese mercenary).

Throw in his total screw-up with prohibition and then later repeal, his inexplicable support the movie Birth of a Nation, and his absolute narcissism that kept his stroke and subsequent health problems away from the country while he refuse to concede power and even had the hubris and audacity to run for office a while bedridden and suffering from dementia.

Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?

Now, recall the fact that  by the 1920 election,Wilson lost his base as well as every bit of black support,So severely that not only did the Democratic party reject him and nominate Franklin Roosevelt as their nominee, the Republican Party didn't even take them serious enough to nominate a very good candidate. They nominated an obscure politician named Warren Harding. Voters repudiated the policies and legacy of Woodrow Wilson so much that Warren Harding, who for all sense of purposes was one of the most mediocre presidents we've ever had, ended up winning the election in one of the biggest landslides in presidential election history, capturing 60% of the vote.

Now, I would like to make my latest prediction regarding the current election

I believe that much like Wilson Trump has alienated his base and his supporters to such a degree that the election will be a mandate aimed back at him and his own legacy. With no real rivalry, not even the likes that Harding faced in a young Franklin Roosevelt, Biden will mop the floor with Trump and Pence, and is poised to win as much as 70% of the popular vote. If I were being as conservative as I'm inclined to be I would say 55% which is still pretty steep.

If Biden is smart enough, he will actually nominate Susan Rice as his VP candidate, which will guarantee another 20% of the vote . And, because we will have a hard time forgiving the Republican party for their stupidity and weakness for allowing a balding idiot to lead them for the last 8 years, we won't see a Republican president until at least 2032


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